Airdate December 8th, @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (PDT)
Damien B.M. English has been writing, editing, designing and coordinating the production of informational publications for more than 20 years
He graduated with a degree in English from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Masters in Literary Studies from his father’s alma mater, the University of Durham, England, before starting his career working in community newspapers in Marin County. After rising to managing editor at Marinscope Community Newspapers he took the managing editor job with CalCPA more than 14 years ago. At CalCPA his focus is producing California CPA magazine. In addition, he serves as the organization’s editor and general content creator for various communication venues. English lives and works in Sacramento, CA, with his wife and 2-year old daughter.
Damien English
To be successful, any organization, business or non-profit, needs its value propositions that distinguish it.
Sometimes, those value-adds or foundational and structural necessities go unnoticed, even though they are always generating value. This month, we will get the opportunity to investigate the inner workings of a very successful association magazine and meet the editor who runs it.
Publications, magazines and other outreach materials have been going through more changes than we can list; the good survive and thrive. On November 10th, we will sit down with Damien English. He is the editor of California CPA magazine, a 23 year-old publication with a circulation of approximately 36,000. I have known Damien going on 14 years; I have had the opportunity to write for the magazine several times, which includes the great pleasure to work with Damien.
I thought of him for our Podcast because of all the value-adds that go into helping a large association reach out successfully to all its stakeholders, each with different needs. Damien does exactly that successfully month in and month out — each month is as good if not better than the others.
There are many secrets for success and value creation that we all can learn during a conversation with Damien.
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Over the years, I have worked with many good corporate citizens, who know that many lives depend on the way they do business. In the process, not only have the companies been more successful, but we have all had fun along the way.” –Mark H. Fowler
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